
Average score 586 Reviews
Mikael Communal noted on Google

2 months ago
Claire Bernard noted on Google

Service avec robot, c est ludique. On commande nous même au fur et a mesure (tablette fournie ou notre portable). (Translated by Google) Service with a robot is fun. We order ourselves as we go (tablet provided or our cell phone).

2 months ago
Philippe RIVALIER noted on Google

Très copieux et bon en plus la présence de la modernité robot commande sur tablette ou QRcode très innovant pour 1 restaurant (Translated by Google) Very plentiful and good in addition to the presence of the modern robot ordering on tablet or very innovative QRcode for 1 restaurant

2 months ago
Zoe Ndene noted on Google

2 months ago
Christophe V noted on Google

Excellente expérience. La soupe, les salades et les sushis sont très bons. A recommander. (Translated by Google) Excellent experience. The soup, salads and sushi are very good. To recommend.

2 months ago
Dépil Tech Vichy noted on Google

2 months ago
solyna montout noted on Google

Le service des plats son trop long à attendre il manquait un plat (Translated by Google) The food service took too long to wait, a dish was missing

2 months ago
Christian Mouron noted on Google

2 months ago
Emma Bidault noted on Google

Un chinois à volonté ou l’on a pas à se lever pour choisir nos plats. Tout est servie à table, service très rapide et produit de qualité fait à l’instant T. Petit bémol pour les desserts qui sont décongeler, et le choix n’est pas très large. (Translated by Google) All you can eat Chinese where you don’t have to get up to choose your dishes. Everything is served at the table, very fast service and quality product made at the right time. Small downside for the desserts which have to be defrosted, and the choice is not very wide.

2 months ago
Léa Fidel noted on Google

Super ambiance ! J’ai emmener mon père la bas il était ravis de voir la bonne accueil du personnels 🙏🏼 (Translated by Google) Great atmosphere! I took my father there, he was delighted to see the warm welcome from the staff 🙏🏼

2 months ago

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