
Average score 586 Reviews
annie martinet noted on Google

Excellent service, tout les plats sont très bons (Translated by Google) Excellent service, all the dishes are very good

2 months ago
Stephanie Da Lima noted on Google

Excellent mieux qu'ailleurs ou tout est rechauffé , le moins : Un peut trop bruyant mais il s'agit de la clientèle. Il manque du dessert en libre service. Dommage que les meilleurs desserts soient payant surtout le soir au prix du dîner. Remarquable. C est organisé donc c'est mieux qu ailleurs. Je recommande (Translated by Google) Excellent, better than elsewhere where everything is heated, the least: A bit too noisy but it's about the customers. There is no self-service dessert. It's a shame that the best desserts cost money, especially in the evening, at the price of dinner. Outstanding. It’s organized so it’s better than elsewhere. I recommend

2 months ago
Maelle Oliver noted on Google

2 months ago
Cecile Romeu noted on Google

Nous nous sommes régalés plats bons et chauds. (Translated by Google) We enjoyed good and hot food.

2 months ago
Guillaume 63 noted on Google

2 months ago
Laura Mandret noted on Google

2 months ago
Jordan Huard noted on Google

2 months ago
Jae Marques noted on Google

2 months ago
Julien Aerdaen noted on Google

Restaurant à volonté, avec service à table et robot pour le service. Plutôt classique dans le choix des plats, beaucoup de choix de sushis, boissons et desserts en plus du menu. Une bonne adresse à connaître :) (Translated by Google) All-you-can-eat restaurant, with table service and robot for service. Rather classic in the choice of dishes, lots of choices of sushi, drinks and desserts in addition to the menu. A good address to know :)

2 months ago
Tiana Wang noted on Google

2 months ago

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